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This is CAMOM's public news section. Additional updates are available at Member-Only CAMOM News.

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  • 2 Mar 2024 11:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Columbia MD Archives is collaborating with the Columbia Art Center by presenting an exhibit for Women's History Month titled From Planning to Reality, How Women in Columbia Designed Community: A Snapshot of the Collections in Columbia Maryland Archives. One of the organizations featured is the Columbia Area Mothers of Multiples!

    There will be a reception on Saturday March 9th from 1 pm-3 pm at the Columbia Art Center and will have donation bins for the Women's Giving Circle feminine hygiene products driveThere is no RSVP for this event; it is a free reception and open to the public. 

    The exhibit will be in the Columbia Art Center from March 8th-April 7th, 2024. It can be viewed during the Art Center's hours of operation.

  • 31 Dec 2023 3:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CAMOM is excited to announce we have been selected to receive a $1,000 grant through the Community Foundation of Howard County's (CFHoCo) 2023 Community Grant program! Read the full press release here on the CFHoCo's website. CAMOM is one of 49 organizations in Howard County receiving funding to use in general operational and administrative costs. 

    About the Community Foundation of Howard County: For more than 50 years, the Community Foundation of Howard County has served as a knowledgeable, trusted partner that forges connections between donors and nonprofit organizations to provide impactful investments in Howard County. Last year the foundation awarded $1.75 million across 480 grants and scholarships to organizations delivering human services, arts and cultural, educational and civic programs. Funds to support grant programs comes primarily from income generated by the foundation’s endowment supported by nearly 400 funds established by Howard County businesses, families and individuals. For more information, visit or call 410-730-7840.

  • 29 Nov 2023 9:02 AM | Deleted user

    HoCo Pirate Adventures! donated $500 to CAMOM - Columbia Area Mothers of Multiples.  HoCo Pirate Adventures take a portion of the funds collected from hunt sales and give to a local, Howard County organization or charity. CAMOM was the THIRD donated local non profit.  Thank you HoCo Pirate Adventures and our local community for participating in the treasure hunts with your pirates and supporting CAMOM.  

    For more information on HoCo Pirate Adventures:

  • 22 Feb 2023 8:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CAMOM is so excited to announce that our consignment sale is returning this spring! Please join us Saturday, April 22nd at Cradlerock Elementary School from 8am-1pm.

    See for more information or email any questions to See you there!

  • 25 Mar 2022 10:42 AM | Maria Strohmayer

    As of March 16, 2022, the CAMOM Board votes to make face mask wearing optional for any upcoming CAMOM events. This decision is supported by the Executive Order by County Executive Calvin Ball to lift the mask mandate in Howard County on February 1st. The Board also votes that CAMOM policies will automatically change should there be any changes to Howard County's mask wearing decisions in the future.

    While masks will no longer be required, families should feel encouraged to make the decision they feel most comfortable with. Thank you for your patience and flexibility in this changing COVID-19 landscape.

  • 25 Feb 2022 2:06 PM | Maria Strohmayer

    We are excited to announce a return to CAMOM's semi-annual children's sale in a new venue and outdoor format in Downtown Columbia.

    Follow along for updates at, and please download our printable flier to share with local networks!

    Questions? Contact

  • 27 Sep 2021 2:14 PM | Maria Strohmayer

    In July, County Executive Calvin Ball announced $1 million in HoCo RISE grants to social services nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in Howard County. CAMOM and several other organizations were among the recipients. The grant money comes from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community, while the grants will be administered by the Howard County Economic Development Authority. 

    In announcing the funding, Ball explained in the Columbia Patch, "Our nonprofit community has worked tirelessly during this pandemic to support our most vulnerable, and we need to help the helpers." He continued, "If we want to be successful on our road to recovery, we must lift up our nonprofits and our community that wakes up every day asking themselves, 'how can we help?' These grants will ensure that our nonprofits have the resources, funding, and operations to continue their important daily work to support our residents."

    "We are extremely grateful to County Executive Ball for his leadership during the pandemic and for the $5,000 HoCo RISE Grant we received," shared CAMOM Co-Presidents Krista MacGahan and Maria Strohmayer in a joint statement. "It provides us with the means to support operational costs, upgrade technology and safety measures at our major consignment sale fundraisers, and develop hybrid in-person/online programming so that we can continue to foster support and connection within families of multiples in our area."

    RISE is an acronym for 'Reopening Innovatively, Safely, and Effectively'. Other nonprofit organizations in the health and human services, youth services, business assistance and workforce development sectors within Howard County also received HoCo RISE Grants from the County. 

  • 4 Sep 2021 8:29 PM | Maria Strohmayer

    We have decided to cancel CAMOM's Fall 2021 Consignment Sale to keep our community safe as the Delta variant expands in Maryland. 

    As a safer alternative, the Sales Committee will host an outdoor drop-off event for FUNDrive on the same date and location, September 18, 2021, from 10am-2pm, at Lincoln Tech. We will be collecting mainly soft goods (clothing, shoes & belts, handbags & backpacks, sheets & blankets, towels, tablecloths & curtains, etc.)

    The consignment sales have historically been our largest fundraiser and we will be shifting funds allocated to the Fall 2021 Sale to other member resources. Donations are always accepted at

    If you have any questions or concerns, please email To our current sellers, thank you for all the work you've already put into the Fall sale. To our hard working Board volunteers, thank you for all the time and creative ways you have brainstormed to make a sale feasible despite our COVID limitations. We hope to be able to hold a safe and successful sale in the spring!

    Thank you,

    Krista MacGahan and Maria Strohmayer

  • 28 Aug 2021 10:32 PM | Maria Strohmayer

    We are excited to announce that the Fall 2021 Consignment Sale will be held at a new venue, the Lincoln School of Technology on Saturday, September 18, 2021. 

    Check out up-to-date information about the upcoming sale by visiting This page will also provide downloadable sale flyers in English and Spanish to spread the word around town. 

    New this year, CAMOM members are also welcome to access member-only content at for information on seller registration, seller guidelines, and FAQs.

    Please also note that per our update mask policy, masks will be required at all indoor events including the upcoming Fall sale.

    We can't wait to welcome you to our new space and help you to empty out your closets while supporting CAMOM! Happy buying and selling!

  • 27 Aug 2021 8:32 PM | Maria Strohmayer

    CAMOM has been monitoring the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in and around the county as the Delta variant has spread. The CDC now strongly recommends that all people, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask while indoors. The CAMOM Board has voted to follow this recommendation to require face masks at indoor CAMOM events out of an abundance of caution and care for our members and families. Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we adjust to a changing COVID landscape.

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